Having never been to the Greek Festival, I really didn’t know what to expect.  Maybe some food, maybe some dancing, Greek beer?  I don’t know.

What I found is that the Greek Festival = Food, and lots of it.  Unfortunately, aside from the amazing pastry, pretty much everything had meat in it so I couldn’t indulge in some of my favorites.  However, the Greek fries were wonderful and I’m still sort of kicking myself for not at least trying the baklava sundaes (I feared putting myself into a sugar coma).

My friend, Megan, and I took advantage of the beautiful weather and walked around the small festival a few times – we even went through the pastry line where she picked up a variety pack for her family (she’s so nice!  I, however, bought nothing for anyone but my selfish self).

The Greek Festival was neat, but didn’t have a lot for us.  At least I can pig out all year at the Greek Isle Deli Buffet Days (first Friday of each month from 4:00pm – 8:00pm).