As a former Avon Representative, I like to check out up and coming direct selling companies every now and again.  I have no idea why, but my sister said it seems to help me to have a network of people who support and encourage my vices.  Last week, I went to a Touchstone Crystal party and fell in love with their Catalina Necklace.  I wish I could have justified spending $240 on it but I guess I’ve found the limit of my shopping addiction (and thank goodness it’s not higher).

My sister said the words I always wait for her to say every time I find jewelry I like – “I could make that.”  Everyone says it but then never actually goes through with making the necklace, earrings, whatever, so I decided to try to make this necklace myself so that I can have a sense of pride at accomplishing a goal and save a good amount of money in the process.  (Unless it turns out to be hideous – in which case this is the last you’ll be hearing about this challenge.)  My version of this necklace will be called the Catalina Wine Mixer Necklace, for obvious reasons.